Guidelines for use of images

Please Respect Contributors' Copyright

Please note that all images on this website are the exclusive copyright of their respective owners. Each photograph is credited with the owner's details beneath the photo.

I frequently receive requests for use of the photographs, so here is a quick outline of the UKmoths 'use of images' policy:

  • Any of my photographs, captioned (Photo © Ian Kimber ), may be used for personal, educational or non-profit purposes. However, please do let me know if you wish to use them in this way, so I don't inadvertently find them popping up somewhere unexpectedly.
    For other uses of my photographs, please contact me. Normally I have much higher resolution versions available.
  • Permission to use any other photographs not taken by me must be sought from the copyright holder themselves. Normally there is an email link with each photo for this purpose, but some contributors don't have email or prefer their email address not to be published. In this case, contact me and I will try to arrange for contact to be made.
  • Please don't copy the images for use on the web, or link directly to the images. It is possible to link to the individual moth species by using the following example format:
    <a href="">Ghost Moth on UKMoths</a>, which will produce a link like this: Ghost Moth on UKMoths.

Thanks for observing these requests. If you have further questions, please contact me.