Tuta absoluta
Tuta absoluta
Adult • M.J. van der Straten • © Plant Protection Service, the Netherlands

35.127 BF825a

Tuta absoluta

(Meyrick, 1917)

This adventive species has yet to become fully established in Britain, but in recent years there have been records from tomato packing stations and greenhouses, suggesting that it may soon become so.

Abroad, the species occurs in South America and has become a pest in Spain on tomato crops, spreading rapidly across southern Europe.

In late 2009, a larva was discovered in a tomato purchased at a supermarket in Cheltenham, and the moth was subsequently reared through and identity confirmed.

Outbreaks have been reported in Yorkshire and Worcestershire, and in order to control the spread of this pest species, FERA (The Food and Environment Research Agency) have issued control measures and best practice guides to tomato packing stations in Britain.

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