Syncopacma taeniolella
Syncopacma taeniolella
Adult • Winnal Moors Nature Reserve, Hants, gen. det. • ©

35.004 BF847

Syncopacma taeniolella

(Zeller, 1839)

Wingspan c.12 mm.

Reasonably common in the southern half on England, this species becomes scarcer further north into England and Wales, and has occurred in small numbers in Scotland and Ireland.

The foodplants are common birds'-foot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus), and sometimes clover (Trifolium) spp., or medick (Medicago), the larvae feeding between spun shoots or leaves during May and June.

The adult moths fly in July and come to light. They resemble S. larseniella and S. cinctella, but can be distinguished by the whitish fascia on the underside of the forewing, absent in those species.
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