Sparganothis pilleriana
Sparganothis pilleriana
Adult • Gastes, France • ©

49.003 BF1012

Sparganothis pilleriana

([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)

Wingspan: Male 15-20mm, Female 17-22mm.

The long labial palps help distinguish this species. The male is variable but is generally yellowish to greyish/brown with brown markings. The most noticeable being a diagonal band from the costa to the dorsum. The female is generally a uniform reddish/brown although the female shown has similar markings to the male albeit fainter.

Very local. Found mainly in southern England and South Wales in coastal areas, heathland and salt marshes. The larvae feed in folded and spun leaves of various herbaceous plants such as Teucrium scorodonia (Woodsage), Rubus sp (Bramble), Lonicera (Honeysuckle) and Origanum (Marjoram). The larvae pupate inside the rolled leaves.

Flight period is July to August.

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