Three-humped Prominent Notodonta tritophus
Three-humped Prominent Notodonta tritophus
Larva • The Netherlands • ©

71.015 BF2002

Three-humped Prominent Notodonta tritophus

([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)

[Synonyms: Tritophia tritophus]
Wingspan 45-55 mm.

A very rare immigrant, having been recorded only a handful of times in the last hundred years, almost all at coastal localities in the south.

The English name refers to the caterpillar, which has three rearward-pointing humps on its back.

The larva has not been recorded in Britain since the 19th century, but in Europe it feeds on poplar (Populus), willow (Salix) and birch (Betula).
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