Peacock Moth Macaria notata
Peacock Moth Macaria notata
Adult • Dorset • ©

70.211 BF1889

Peacock Moth Macaria notata

(Linnaeus, 1758)

[Synonyms: Semiothisa notata]

Wingspan 28-32 mm.

Rather similar to the Sharp-angled Peacock, although usually slightly paler with less grey suffusion. Typically the dark notch near the forewing tip is less concave, and the broken blotch in the center is more distinct.

Peacock also usually has a clean dark line around the hindwing fringe, which is broken or dotted in Sharp-angled Peacock. However, some of these features can be difficult to see in worn specimens.

It occurs in woodland habitat mainly in the southern half of England and Wales, though it occurs sparingly in parts of Scotland and Ireland.

The adults are on the wing during May and June (and occasionally again in August in the south). The dull brownish caterpillars feed mainly on birch (Betula).

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