Scarce Forester Jordanita globulariae
Scarce Forester Jordanita globulariae
Female • Kent • ©

54.001 BF165

Scarce Forester Jordanita globulariae

(Hübner, 1793)

[Synonyms: Adscita globulariae]

Wingspan c.19-30 mm.

Locally distributed on calcareous soil, inhabiting grassland, this is a nationally scarce species with a small number of populations ranging from Wiltshire to Kent.

The day-flying adults are to be found in June and July, and are very similar to the other two British Forester moths, but is distinctly larger than Cistus Forester Adscita geryon and has more tapered antennae (in the male) than the blunt-ended antennae of The Forester Adscita statices.

The larval foodplants are common knapweed (Centaurea nigra) and greater knapweed (C. scabiosa).

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