Marsh Oblique-barred Hypenodes humidalis
Marsh Oblique-barred Hypenodes humidalis
Adult • Dorset • © Paul Harris

72.060 BF2485

Marsh Oblique-barred Hypenodes humidalis

Doubleday, 1850

Wingspan 14-15 mm.

One of the smallest of the macrolepidoptera, with a wingspan of around 15mm, this species is sometimes overlooked as one of the 'micros'.

Distributed rather locally in acid moorland and mosses throughout England and Wales, it can be common where it occurs.

The moths fly between June and August, and regularly come to light.

The early stages are still undescribed but the foodplants are thought to be perhaps rushes (Juncus spp.) or sedges (Carex spp.).