Citron Plume Hellinsia carphodactyla
Citron Plume Hellinsia carphodactyla
Adult • Edge Common, Gloucestershire • © Oliver Wadsworth

45.039 BF1519

Citron Plume Hellinsia carphodactyla

(Hübner, [1813])

Wingspan 14-23 mm.

A local species, until fairly recently restricted to a few south coastal localities, but has gradually increased its range northwards so there are now colonies in the Midlands and as far north as South Yorkshire.

Frequenting chalk and limestone habitats, there are two generations, flying in June, and again in August and September.

The larvae feed on the crowns and flowerheads of ploughman's spikenard (Inula conyzae), the second brood overwintering in the larval stage.