Grapholita compositella
Grapholita compositella
Adult • Chorlton, Gtr. Manchester, reared from larva on Trifolium • ©

49.347 BF1241

Grapholita compositella

(Fabricius, 1775)

Wingspan 9-10 mm.

A small but very attractive Tortricid, being all dark except for four long white strigulae on the dorsum and eight short ones on the leading forewing edge. There is also a leaden metallic patch, or ocellus towards the rear of the wing.

The moths can be found flying by day in short grassy habitats. They are on the wing in May and June and again in August.

The larvae feed on clover (Trifolium spp.), either in the stems or in spun leaves.

The species has a scattered distribution over the British Isles but can be common in places.
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