Tansy Plume Gillmeria ochrodactyla
Tansy Plume Gillmeria ochrodactyla
Adult • Ex larva in stem of Tanacetum vulgare. Queensferry, Flints. • © Ian Smith

45.009 BF1503

Tansy Plume Gillmeria ochrodactyla

([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)

Wingspan 23-27 mm.

Superficially similar to P. pallidactyla, this species has the hindleg banded brown and white below the middle spurs, and is often more distinctly marked on the forewing.

It occurs, sometimes commonly, over much of England and Wales, and flies in July.

The larvae feed on tansy (Tanacetum vulgare), mining down a shoot, hibernating through the winter in the roots and burrowing up another shoot in the spring.

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