Eriocrania unimaculella
Eriocrania unimaculella
Adult • Chorlton, Greater Manchester • ©

2.003 BF8

Eriocrania unimaculella

(Zetterstedt, 1839)

Wingspan c. 10mm.

This species has a silvery, rather than golden, tornal spot which can help distinguish it from similar species; however the adults can be very difficult to tell apart and it is best to rear from larvae or to refer to genitalia for identification.

Well distributed and relatively common over much of Britain, the adults fly in sunshine during March and April

The larvae feed on birch Betula, causing a blotch at the edge of the leaf. The larva when fully developed has a dark brown head capsule, the base of which shows as two dark spots. Mines can be found during late April to late May.

See also:
Leafmine (British Leaf Mining Fauna)
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