Elachista gangabella
Elachista gangabella
Larva • Aston Rowant, Oxfordshire • ©

38.015 BF620

Elachista gangabella

Zeller, 1850

Wingspan c. 10mm.

Distributed in southern England and Wales, and also occurring in parts of northern England and Ireland, this species occurs in woodland habitats.

Similar Elachista species with a single yellowish fascia have a noticeable patch of pale cilia at the apex of the forewing, whereas those of E. gangabella are all dark.

The larvae feed on grasses, especially cock's-foot (Dactylis), soft-grass (Holcus) and false brome (Brachypodium), creating a transparent mine containing silk and frass.

There is a single generation, adults flying during May and June.
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