Eana penziana
Eana penziana
Adult • Kinlochbervie, West Sutherland • ©

49.048 BF1031

Eana penziana

(Thunberg & Becklin, 1791)

Wingspan c. 20-25mm

The ground colour of this species ranges from a silvery-white to a dull brown, but generally it is a quite distinctive, large tortrix with quite narrow forewings.

There are two subspecies recognised in Britain. Ssp. bellana is normally associated with inner hilly districts and is generally paler and more contrasting. The subspecies colquhounana tends to be browner and occurs more in coastal districts. The nominate subspecies, penziana does not occur in Britain.

The foodplants of the two subspecies are distinct, bellana feeds on sheep's fescue (Festuca ovina) and the coastal colquhounana feeds on sea plantain (Plantago maritima) and thrift (Armeria maritima).

The hill subspecies occurs from Lanchashire northwards, flying in June and July and the coastal subspecies can be found from Wales northwards, as well as in Ireland. It has two generations, flying in May and again in August and September.
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