Dark Marbled Carpet Dysstroma citrata
Dark Marbled Carpet Dysstroma citrata
Adult • CairnCummer, Aberdeenshire • © Chris Harlow

70.098 BF1762

Dark Marbled Carpet Dysstroma citrata

(Linnaeus, 1761)

[Synonyms: Chloroclysta citrata]

Wingspan 25-30 mm.

Very similar to Common Marbled Carpet, there are subtle separation characteristics based on the shape of the postmedian line on the underwings, which is more angular in this species.

It is distributed throughout Britain, though more local in the south, and the adults fly in July and August.

It inhabits woodland and moorland habitats.

The larvae feed on a range of bushes and plants, including sallow (Salix) and bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus).