Southern Brindled Green Dryobotodes roboris
Southern Brindled Green Dryobotodes roboris
Adult • Creon D'Armagnac, S.W. France • © Graham Wenman

73.226 BF2248a

Southern Brindled Green Dryobotodes roboris

(Boisduval, [1828])

Wingspan c. 28mm.

This species was first discovered in Jersey in October 2006, when an individual was captured at light.

It resembles the Brindled Green, D. eremita but tends to be slightly smaller and greener and shows a more obvious pale subterminal band on the forewing.

It's distribution covers Southern Europe and North Africa east to Asia Minor, where it inhabits dry, warm oak (Quercus) forests, the larvae feeding on the foliage.

Abroad, it typically is on the wing in October to November.