Box-tree Moth Cydalima perspectalis
Box-tree Moth Cydalima perspectalis
Larval habitation on Buxus sp. • Gloucestershire • © Phil Barden

63.054 BF1409a

Box-tree Moth Cydalima perspectalis

(Walker, 1859)

Wingspan c. 40mm.

The Weybridge, Surrey individual shown was the first record for Britain at the time of this Asian species. It was attracted to M.V. light on 5th September 2008. Further investigation reveals that this was preceded by a record of one in Kent in 2007.

Since then the species has rapidly increased in frequency. It is widespread in London and the south-east and is spreading northwards at a considerable rate. The species also occurs in central Europe.

The moth is a pest species of box (Buxus), and is almost certainly an introduction with imported Buxus plants.