Larva: (description Ian F. Smith):Food: Late September to May. Fungus on and under dead bark of trees.
Early instar (MBGBI references are to late instar).
Length: 7 mm described.
Head: Brown ochre (MBGBI; chestnut-brown). Darker brown postero-lateral mark. Frons and posterior edge of capsule thinly edged darker brown. Labium darker. Frons paler. Stemmata linked by black crescent shaped band.
Prothorax (T1): In profile, markedly lower than rest of body. Prothoracic shield transparent yellowish brown, showing head below. (MBGBI ; a little darker than head).
Thoracic legs: Greyish brown, except coxa concolorous with venter.
Body: Dorsally dull pinkish brown to dark brown. Yellowish intersegmentally and yellowish marks and irregular dorsal and dorsolateral lines. Ivory white below spiracles and ventrally.
Spiracles: Peritreme dark brown.
Abdominal pinacula: Concolorous with pale grey setal spot. (MBGBI; dark chestnut-brown).
Setae: Colourless translucent, faintly tinted pale brown basally.
Anal plate: Large. Translucent yellowish brown. (MBGBI; dark chestnut-brown).
Prolegs: Concolorous, except for a blackish band.