Dusky-lemon Sallow Cirrhia gilvago

73.183 BF2275
Dusky-lemon Sallow Cirrhia gilvago
([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)
Wingspan 32-38 mm.
This moth has a scattered distribution throughout much of England and Wales and into southern Scotland.
It flies from late August to October, and is attracted to sugar as well as light.
The larvae feed on the seeds, flowers and, later, the foliage of Wych elm (Ulmus glabra) and English elm (Ulmus procera) from April to June. In late June and early July, the fully fed larvae lie dormant in the ground. In captivity, some slightly damp peat should be provided for undisturbed dormancy and eventual pupation in August.
On Wych elm, the larva is difficult to distinguish from the almost identical larva of 2262 the brick (Agrochola circellaris), and rearing to imago is advised for confirmation. Published accounts suggest that, of the pair, only Dusky-lemon Sallow feeds on English elm, but it is possible that the brick may yet be found on it. Brick larvae are sometimes a more ochreous brown than larvae of Dusky-lemon sallow, but this feature can not always be relied on.