Carpatolechia fugitivella
Carpatolechia fugitivella
Adult • Chorlton, Manchester • ©

35.148 BF772

Carpatolechia fugitivella

(Zeller, 1839)

Wingspan c.14mm.

A fairly common species throughout most of the British Isles, occupying woodland, parks and gardens.

The adult moths are on the wing in June and July. They can be found during the day by searching tree trunks but are more often encountered at light.

The larva feeds in a spinning on a leaf of elm (Ulmus spp), from which it is easily beaten. Pupa undescribed.

Larva: (description Ian F. Smith)

Foodplant: Ulmus procera and Ulmus glabra. In a folded leaf or spun leaves in May.

Length: 6 mm (Late instar, possibly prepupation, described. MBGBI variations may be earlier stage.)
Head: Pitchy black (MBGBI: light brown)
Prothorax (T1): Integument yellow. Large black prespiracular pinaculum. Prothoracic shield pitchy black (MBGBI: light brown) divided by thin yellow medial line.
Thoracic legs: Black.
Body: Yellow (MBGBI: light green) suffused pink dorsally, and extending laterally on the abdomen.
Spiracles: Black.
Pinacula: Black. Very small on dorsum. Larger laterally.
Setae: Small transparent colourless.
Anal plate: Coloured as, or slightly darker than, abdomen.
Prolegs: Coloured as abdomen. Crochets darker.
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