Pale Tussock Calliteara pudibunda

72.015 BF2028
Pale Tussock Calliteara pudibunda
(Linnaeus, 1758)
Wingspan 40-60 mm.
Fairly common in England and Wales, local in Ireland, the adults are sexually dimorphic; the females are generally larger and plainer in appearance. The males have more contrasting markings and usually smaller. Both exhibit the distinctive forward-facing 'furry' legs at rest.
The moths fly in May and June and are attracted to light.
The larva is very distinctive; similar to that of the Dark Tussock (Dicallomera fascelina), but is generally greenish or yellow, with four conspicuous tufts of yellow hairs. It feeds on a range of deciduous shrubs and trees, and used to be a pest of hop (Humulus lupulus), when it was commonly grown.