Bucculatrix ulmella
Bucculatrix ulmella
Adult • Hampshire • ©

14.010 BF274

Bucculatrix ulmella

Zeller, 1848

Wingspan 7-8 mm.

A fairly common species over England, Wales and Scotland, though like many of its genus probably overlooked. It has been recorded from Ireland.

The adult moth has an orange head tuft and an untidy appearance created by black scaling against a whitish ground colour.

The larva feeds on oak (Quercus), in conflict with the misapplied scientific name ulmella which suggests it fees on elm. The mine is a short contorted gallery close to the midrib of a leaf, containing broken black frass.

When pupating, in common with other Bucculatrix species, the larva creates a distinctive ribbed cocoon surrounded by a 'palisade' of vertical silken hairs.

See also:
Leafmine (British Leaf Mining Fauna
Leafmine (De bladmineerders van Nederland)
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