Brachmia blandella
Brachmia blandella
Larval plates • Final instar. On Ulex europaeus. Early June 2001. Eastham, Cheshire. Imago reared. • © Ian Smith

35.028 BF866

Brachmia blandella

(Fabricius, 1798)

Wingspan 11 mm.

Widespread in Britain as far north as Yorkshire, this species occupies habitats where its foodplant, gorse (Ulex europaeus) occurs.

The species overwinters as a small larva in a slight spinning on gorse, and is full fed by early June, or earlier, when it pupates.

Adults are on the wing in July and early August, when they can be disturbed from large old gorse bushes in the early evening (Heckford & Sterling, 2004).

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