Larva: (description I.F. Smith):Foodplant: Plantago lanceolata (Ribwort plantain). In a gallery leaf mine when young, later in upper surface blotch mine in a folded leaf. June to July, and Oct. to April. Under slight web on midrib when in process of changing leaf.
Length: 6mm (April). Head: Black, or dark brown with olive brown frons edged black. Early instar; pale brown.
Prothoracic shield: Pale brown with some darker marks. Translucent, so head shows through.
Thoracic legs: Concolorous with head.
Body: Dusky olive. Posterior segments more yellowish. Venter on segments T2,3 and A1,2 dark grey. Early instar; pale yellow with dark grey gut.
Spiracles: Brown.
Pinacula: Small, brown.
Setae: Colourless transparent.
Anal plate: Pale brown.
Prolegs: Concolorous with abdomen.