Deep-brown Dart Aporophyla lutulenta
Deep-brown Dart Aporophyla lutulenta
Adult • Callow Hill, Worcs. • ©

73.231 BF2231

Deep-brown Dart Aporophyla lutulenta

([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)

Wingspan 36-44 mm.

There is currently some debate about whether this species and A. lueneburgensis, the Northern Deep-brown Dart are in fact separate species, and whether both occur in the British Isles.

In the past, the current species was thought to occur south of the Midlands, and lueneburgensis north of this range.

The adults are on the wing between August and October, and come to light. The larvae feed on grasses and bushes such as hawthorn (Crataegus). The moorland populations usually feed on heather (Calluna).
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