Agonopterix umbellana
Agonopterix umbellana
Adult • Charnwood Lodge NR, Leics • © Andy Mackay

32.029 BF705

Agonopterix umbellana

(Fabricius, 1794)

Wingspan c. 21 mm.

Agonopterix umbellana is well distributed throughout the British Isles, and can be locally common among gorse in coastal localities. The adult stage lasts from August to April. It hibernates over winter and can reappear in the early spring.

The larvae feed from late May to early August on gorse (Ulex) and greenweed (Genista) from obvious silk tubes as thick as a pencil.

Until recently it was known by the scientific name of ulicetella.

This species can resemble the more striated forms of A. nervosa, but has a more rounded termen, with a row of black dots and two brownish lines in the cilia. It also has a dark central line on the thorax.

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