Identification Disclaimer

Please take care with your identifications

One of the main purposes of the UKMoths website is as an identification aid. However, please bear in mind the following points when you use the site in this way:

  • The site is constantly evolving and improving, but does not currently depict all the British species and their variations. In particular, many of the micro-moths are very similar and a substantial number are not depicted.
  • Even those species illustrated may not be fully identifiable by appearance alone. Many species groups are only reliably separated by genitalia dissection.
  • All the photos on the website are believed to be correctly identified, but this may not always be the case. Sometimes errors or misidentifications creep in, and new information comes to light.

In summary, please be careful in idenfications, and try to check these by another source if there could be any doubt, especially if you are submitting your records to your local Lepidoptera recorder. You can find details of your county or vice-county moth recorder on the Moths Count website.

On a related note, if you spot any suspect or glaring identification errors on the website, please let me know by email on .


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