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cc - 4 June 2004
nice site
chris & joe stuttle - 4 June 2004
Thanks a lot, we have found two moths, a puss month and a hawk moth, and it was really useful to find out what they were. Thanks a lot
Clare Taylor - 4 June 2004
What an excellent site - only just found it but I'm sure to be back over the summer. The identification keys look a brilliant idea.
Yvonne Borland - 1 June 2004
My 8 year old daughter found an interesting moth and was desparate to find out what kind it was. I found your site through a search engine and was pleased to discover that it was a Lime Hawk moth. She is now looking for more interesting moths and we will probably be regular visitors to your site. Many thanks.
robert wynne - 27 May 2004
saw 2 jersey tiger rockbeare exeter airport august 2002 is this an extention of its range r wynne
Tony Walker - 25 May 2004
This is a great website full of useful information and i shall definately be returnig to view these pages again and again and refering them to my friends. keep up the good work it realy is great.
Ian Lewis - 25 May 2004
Having started looking at moths this year I'm sure this excellent site will prove very useful.
Fred Gordon - 25 May 2004
I would be keen to hear of anything going on in North-east Scotland
Graham Checkley - 24 May 2004
Excelent site. Good photos and concise descriptions. Ideal for a beginner like me.

peter jay - 22 May 2004
just found a buff tip and used your web site to identify - just looks like a silver bitch twig - in fact if it hadn't moved thats what we thought it was!
Brian Littlechild - 22 May 2004
Spotted a large well camouflaged moth on our garden fence this week, have not seen one before. Identified from your website as Mimas tiliae,
the Lime Hawk moth most commonly found in the London area. Thankyou.
Geraldine Robinson - 21 May 2004
I work in a school in London where we are lucky enough to have a meadow as part of the site. I have just found that the stunning 'butterflies' we have see this week are actually cinnabar moths. I am sure we shall be making good use of this website.
Harry Eales. - 20 May 2004
An exceedingly helpful site, especially for those British micro's which are not covered by readily available text books. Keep up the good work.
ian jolley - 19 May 2004
Excellent website. I came face to face with a Poplar Hawk-moth the other day but did not know what it was until I identified it easily using the website.
Jim Beattie - 18 May 2004
I am a birder at heart but have just discovered the fascinating world of moths. I'm at a loss where to start.
Sharon John - 18 May 2004
I am fairly new at recording, so your web-site has really helped me to identify certain moths. Thank you.

Keith Martin - 17 May 2004
Brilliant web site.

I arrived with an unidentified moth - know nothing about moths - and used your search engine of guess words to locate it.

I tried yellow.. I tried gold.. and then I thought.. well it looks like a Brimstone Butterfly, so let's try Brimstone...

John Day - 17 May 2004
Useful site. (I am a member of the Somerset Moth Group)
Roy Whiteman - 14 May 2004
My first of many visits I hope. Wish I could identify the moth I saw this morning. Good site.
Bob Ward - 13 May 2004
Brilliant site - the best one I have seen
yvonne pargin - 11 May 2004
Fantastic. I really enjoyed browsing through this. Thank you.
J.c - 5 May 2004
dude your website is dope where in the hood u find these trippin bugs over an out peace
gary breslau - 3 May 2004
I live in Los Angeles and saw an unusual moth. Using this site and a few others was able to identify the moth as a hummingbird moth hawk. It has been feeding on a honeysuckle type vine in my back yard. It has yellow stripes on its wings, orange on its back and it is about 1 inch long and hovers exactly like a hummingbird, which we do have quite a few of around here.
Catherine Wellings - 2 May 2004
The site is brilliant. I've just started looking at moths again after quite a long time and I think that this is exactly what the Internet should be used for.
multiplayer_poker - 23 April 2004
I have just started a distance learning aromatherapy course (UK based) and found your site really helpful and informative. I'm sure I'll spend loads of time here!
Brian Thomas - 17 April 2004
What a great site for anyone remotely interested in wildlife !

Will be using this site again

Keep up the good work
Dave Shearan - 16 April 2004
A brilliant site in terms of content, structure and usability. I am starting to adapt my paddock/garden for wildlife and one of the things I am keen to do is to provide for moths, and hopefully to identify some of those that I can attract.

I've always been interested in birdlife but I'm now looking forward to a whole new world
Trevor Boyd - 13 April 2004
As a beginner in micros I find your listings and thumbnails most useful.
Tree - 12 April 2004
Thanks for the site
Joan Shore. West Sussex - 11 April 2004
The site is a wonderful source of reference.
Inspired to check for sightings of Hummingbird Hawk Moths, as we saw an early visitor on 11th April. Sure enough, others had seen them earlier. Something about this fascinating moth seems to encourage people to find out about it.